RE: [transquery-discuss] XSLT as an XML update language

From: Evan Lenz (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 01:12:11 CET

I previously wrote:
> Finally, it might be possible to strip out the exsl:document part
> and define
> the document-replacement semantics externally on the processing
> model level.
> For example, an "update" query would "repeatedly apply this stylesheet to
> every document in the database and replace the source document with the
> result document." You might call this an "in-place transformation". This
> would have the huge advantage that we could stick with pure XSLT
> 1.0 without
> extensions. I would be interested in looking at what disadvantages there
> would be with such an approach. One is that there would be a lot
> more magic
> going on outside the XSLT (and outside the control of the query
> writer; then
> again, maybe that's a good thing).

I figured out a way to give more control back to the stylesheet writer
without using extensions at all. Recall that we need 1) something like
exsl:document, and 2) something like saxon:systemId().

We can replace exsl:document with tq:document, which is not an extension
element but a normal literal result element which has special meaning in a
TransQuery-aware processing model. In a non-TransQuery-aware processing
model, the result tree would probably just be serialized as such. However,
in a TransQuery system the tq:document element is interpreted as being an
update specification, either to add a new document or replace an existing
document, and possibly even to delete an existing document.

We can replace saxon:systemId() with XSLT's built-in generate-id() function.
How this can be done will become clear in the following modified proposal.

First, we define an element type "tq:document" which can have either an "id"
attribute or an "href" attribute but not both. (The names used are not
important; instead of "id", for example, we may want
"replaced-document-generated-id", etc.)

Here's an example with the id attribute:

<tq:document id="2134ABC">
    This document replaces the document for whom the result of generate-id()
with its root node as context node is "2134ABC".

Here's an example with the href attribute:

<tq:document href="myNewOrUpdatedDocument">
    This document is added to the repository with the URI
"myNewOrUpdatedDocument", or, if a document with that name already exists,
it replaces the existing document.

A series of either of these can be used to add/replace multiple documents.
Whether they must be contained in a top-level root element is an open
question. That probably wouldn't be a bad idea for a couple of reasons: 1)
an add/replace spec could stand on its own as a well-formed document, and 2)
the root element could be used as a container for other information that one
might want to include in the result. We could say that the tq:document
elements disappear from the serialized result but everything else remains.
The effective behavior is not unlike that of exsl:document, but we're
defining it in terms of an external processing model rather than as a
requirement for XSLT processors themselves.

Finally, we make the appropriate adjustments to the imported update.xsl
module (with no extensions!):

<xsl:transform version="1.0"

  <xsl:param name="tq:input"/>

  <!-- Apply templates in the tq:update mode to each
       document in the TransQuery input collection -->
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="$tq:input" mode="tq:update"/>

  <!-- For each document in the TransQuery input
       collection, create a new document with the
       same generated id (effectively replacing it).
       Recursively apply templates in the tq:update
       mode to all descendants. -->
  <xsl:template match="/" mode="tq:update">
      <tq:document id="{generate-id()}">
        <xsl:apply-templates mode="tq:update"/>

  <!-- The default rule for all elements,
       attributes, comments, PIs, and text
       nodes is to copy the node as is
       (and recursively apply templates to
       children of elements). -->
  <xsl:template match="@*|node()" mode="tq:update">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" mode="tq:update"/>


Update queries will work as I said previously. Here's the same example
update query again:

<xsl:transform version="1.0"

  <xsl:import href="update.xsl"/>

  <!-- Change the value of all attributes named
       "paid" with value "yes", to "no". -->
  <xsl:template match="@paid[.='yes']" mode="tq:update">
    <xsl:attribute name="paid">no</xsl:attribute>


It may also be desirable to define named templates in update.xsl for common
update directives. This could even further hide some of the complexity with
respect to namespace preservation, etc.


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